Pegasus Spiele
Complimentary to a livestreamed tabletop roleplaying adventure organized by Pegasus Spiele, NerdstarTV and Gratis Rollenspieltag, I created Illustrations of the players’ characters!

In early 2020, I was contacted by Peter Berneiser from Pegasus’s “Pen and Peter” format to create illustrations for the annualy edition of the stream. The brief was short: draw all four characters in two days.
The Adventure takes place in 1985, Lawrenceville, Minnesota, USA. The four characters used to be friends during their high-school days but now, years later, they see themselves surrounded by abductions and strange phenomenon all around! Imagine Stranger things mixed with X-Files as well as the Cthulhu Mythos.
Laurie – A doctor. She had to take care of her little sister ever since their mother died during her teenage years. Very strong-minded but not physically strong, she is a rather nurturing but strict character, in stark contrast to her former sweetheart Clive.
Clive – A rocker, a car-mechanic, a rebel and sometimes not quite on the right side of the law. He left Lawrenceville to pursue a career in music which ended his relationship with Lauri. He’s good with his hands and more of a physical type of character. He loves wearing leather, no matter the weather. The quintessential “cool” guy.
Katey – She left Laurenceville a few years ago and now lives in Minneapolis as a freelance journalist. She’s a looker and she knows it, although she only uses her charm as a last resort. As a more social character, she is smart and a real people person. Jason and her were in a relationship for about a year during high school. They are still very good friends.
Jason – Ex-football player turned farmer. He had to give up on a promising career in football due to a knee injury and took over his parents’ farm. Now happily married and accustomed to this new lifestyle Jason’s a very robust character, athletic and physically strong.

Starting the stream, each player got their character as a black and white print. On air the full-color artwork was displayed, which can be seen next.
I decided to use stereotypical elements showing each character’s occupation – the doctor is freshly out of work, still wearing her scrubs. She wears a medallion with her mother’s picture in it. The rocker is heavily inspired by 80’s hair metal look, the journalist has her camera as well as notebook always at the ready. The farmer sports comfortable clothing for working in the field as well as sunkissed skin and a nice pair of guns!

What led to this
Pegasus have had a tradition of livestreaming a tabletop RPG session every year for the World-Roleplaying-Day. I had drawn artworks for the last few sessions while watching, so in 2020 the Gamemaster remembered my artwork and reached out to me beforehand.