Mixing 3D and 2D Animation
Tea Time is an animated short film about the love for tea!
Tea Time was my bachelor’s project in which i wanted to cover the whole production pipeline in order to create an animated film. My goal was to achieve a good mix of animated 3D and 2D elements.
The story of the film was quite important to me, which is why I put great emphasis on creating a solid storyboard as well as ananimatic. Based on these, I made a detailed plan for each shot and was able to animate with the right timing in mind.
The 3d modeling, rigging, skinning as well as animation were done in 3ds Max. I rendered separate object passes using a custom toon shader and the built-in Scanline Renderer.
Overlaying the 3D rendered animation I animated / rotoscoped the 2D-elements using Toon Boom Harmony.
At the end, everything was composited in Adobe After Effects.